Welcome To San Andreas Fire District
The San Andreas Fire District (SAFD) was organized as a district corporation in San Andreas, SA on February 1, 2024 and commenced operations as “Department 47“ on February 15, 2024. SAFD provides fire prevention and suppression services, emergency rescue and basic life support (BLS) services, public assistance during natural emergencies, and other activities deemed from time to time to be in the best interest of residents and businesses within the geographic area that comprises the San Andreas Fire District.Formation of the SAFD assigned responsibility for most of the financial and administrative business operations of these member organizations, including strategic planning, financing, budget, risk management and asset management to a 5-member Board of Fire Commissioners. Responsibility for preparedness to respond, membership training and performance of emergency response activities is managed and supervised under a unified command structure by the District Fire Chief and two Deputy Fire Chiefs.
Emergency response services are performed by the active membership of the following member organizations:
- East Los Santos Fire Department, Inc. (Station 7)
- South Los Santos Fire Department, Inc.(Station 6)
- North Los Santos Fire Department, Inc. (Station 1)
- Sandy Shores Fire Department, Inc. (Station 2)
- Paleto Bay Fire Department, Inc. (Station 3)SAFD and the member organizations that comprise the fire departments of the district are committed to providing exceptional service to community residents and businesses and a safe working environment for its members to help prevent work-related accidents, illnesses, and injuries. They also endeavor to comply with all applicable SAS and federal laws and regulations pertaining to the performance of tasks and prime functions associated with providing fire protection and suppression, rescue, basic life support and other types of emergency response activities.
The administrative office for the SAFD is located at the Los Santos City Hall, and Paleto Bay Town Hall. While the office is not staffed on a regularly scheduled basis, non-emergent messages can be left at sanandreasfiredistrict@gmail.com (e.g. Town of Sandy, Town of Paleto Bay, City of Los Santos; can email us at sanandreasfiredistrict@gmail.com and they will be returned as quickly as possible. If you have an emergency situation to report, contact the San Andreas Emergency Dispatch Center at 911.